(W) David M. Booher (A/CA) Drew Zucker
Fan-favorite CANTO continues! Canto; his bestial friend, the Malorex; and Aulaura, the warrior, stand between an army on one side and Canto's oldest enemies on the other. Can Canto change the hearts of his former slavers to come to his aid against the Shrouded Man's forces? The danger's never been graver, but Canto will see it through!
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 1/19/2022
Fan-favorite CANTO continues! Canto; his bestial friend, the Malorex; and Aulaura, the warrior, stand between an army on one side and Canto's oldest enemies on the other. Can Canto change the hearts of his former slavers to come to his aid against the Shrouded Man's forces? The danger's never been graver, but Canto will see it through!
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 1/19/2022