(W) Joshua Williamson (A/CA) Howard Porter
DEATHSTROKE VS. BLACK CANARY! Now that they know the truth about the secretive T.R.U.S.T. organization, Black Canary and Deathstroke are at odds over what to do about it. But before they can set aside their hatred for each other, they are attacked by an army of the DC Universe’s deadliest villains!
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 12/28/2021
DEATHSTROKE VS. BLACK CANARY! Now that they know the truth about the secretive T.R.U.S.T. organization, Black Canary and Deathstroke are at odds over what to do about it. But before they can set aside their hatred for each other, they are attacked by an army of the DC Universe’s deadliest villains!
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 12/28/2021