Comic Script by: Alyssa Wong
Illustrated by: Michael Yg
Cover Design or Artwork by: Jim Cheung
WHO IS THE NEW IRON FIST?! After giving up his power to save the world, DANNY RAND believes he's seen the last of the IRON FIST... ...But when DEMONS begin to attack cities around the world, a MYSTERIOUS NEWCOMER in a FAMILIAR MASK appears, hands blazing with the CHI OF SHOU-LAO THE UNDYING! Who is this NEW IRON FIST? And does his power really come from the DRAGON OF K'UN-LUN... Or from something far more sinister?
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 2/16/2022
Illustrated by: Michael Yg
Cover Design or Artwork by: Jim Cheung
WHO IS THE NEW IRON FIST?! After giving up his power to save the world, DANNY RAND believes he's seen the last of the IRON FIST... ...But when DEMONS begin to attack cities around the world, a MYSTERIOUS NEWCOMER in a FAMILIAR MASK appears, hands blazing with the CHI OF SHOU-LAO THE UNDYING! Who is this NEW IRON FIST? And does his power really come from the DRAGON OF K'UN-LUN... Or from something far more sinister?
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 2/16/2022