Comic Script by: Kurt Busiek
Illustrated by: Yildiray Cinar
Cover Design or Artwork by: Alex Ross
In the heart of Siancong, the hidden past of the all-new Warbird is revealed! Plus: What's been up with Melinda May? Old friends (and foes) join together as everything goes very, very wrong, and the mission takes on cosmic scope
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 2/2/2022
Illustrated by: Yildiray Cinar
Cover Design or Artwork by: Alex Ross
In the heart of Siancong, the hidden past of the all-new Warbird is revealed! Plus: What's been up with Melinda May? Old friends (and foes) join together as everything goes very, very wrong, and the mission takes on cosmic scope
Rated T/ 32 Pages
In Store 2/2/2022